Wednesday, April 19, 2017

4 Tips for Managing Seasonal Allergies

Instead of suffering from seasonal allergies, people can institute simple precautions that often improve symptoms.

Identify Allergens

Common allergens include mold spores, weeds, grasses, and pollen from specific trees or shrubs. The time of the year when allergies arise can be a clue about which allergens are responsible. Generally, trees and shrubs pollinate in the spring, grasses pollinate in early summer, and weeds pollinate in late summer and early autumn. Visit an allergist for testing to diagnose specific allergens to avoid these sources.

Monitor Pollen Counts

Meteorologists monitor pollen counts in local areas. These counts alert residents about the amount of pollen in the air based on the humidity level, temperature, wind, and cloud cover. Those with seasonal allergies should avoid spending time outside on days when the pollen count is high.

Eliminate Allergens in the Home

Make an allergy-free zone in the home. Keep windows closed during peak times to prevent pollen from entering. Remove carpets and rugs to eliminate dust. Maintain fireplaces carefully to prevent soot from entering the home. Watch for moisture issues and clean mold and mildew promptly to prevent airborne spores. Clean HVAC ductwork annually before the heating season to eliminate dust mites.

Managing triggers that cause unpleasant symptoms can make life more pleasant for people who suffer from allergies. Extra relief can also be obtained via allergy medicines from the local pharmacy.